Last weekend we packed the kids into our car along with all our kid gear and drove up to St. George for my college reunion. We almost decided not to go because it was going to be such a short trip and a bit of a hassle with Sophie still not sleeping well at night. She did about as well as I expected and we were very tired when we made it home Sunday evening. However, it turned out to be so much fun to see all my old friends and I only wish I could have stayed longer than the day. This is the view from Bekah's cabin just outside of Zion's. Pretty amazing!

Not all of us could attend but this is a picture of most of us plus a few extra kids (Mark was taking the pictures)! I think we are all pretty cool girls still. We have grown up so much since all our escapades at Liberty Square. Everyone was so nice and friendly and has become the kind of person you would always want to hang out with all the time. I was really nervous to see everyone again because it really has been awhile for most of us. Turns out I worried for nothing though because it was just so easy to talk to everyone and it didn't seem to matter that so many years have passed and we are all spread out all over the U.S.A. pursuing our own paths.
Ok...and we are all lots prettier too (not that we weren't in college, maybe because we are just that much better at our own unique styles)! Mark and I just drove up for the day on Saturday to see everyone. We mostly just hung out and chatted and took some pictures and ate lots of yummy food and then Tara pulled out some funny stuff from her scrapbook that we used to say and do. She also had saved these papers we had to fill out on what we would be doing in five years. Those were fun to read through.

In this little room off of the living room was a piano that Sydney spent some time playing on when she wasn't chasing
Bekah around.

Here is Sydney and
Bekah trying to hide! Sydney
loved Bekah and kept shouting for her to come chase her.
Bekah also took her down to the edge of the property to look at the creek and to see the dogs. Then when we were doing all the girl stuff from Tara's scrapbook,
Bekah let Sydney video tape some people and then let her borrow her cell phone to take about a million pictures! I guess
Bekah probably has more pictures on her phone of the cabin than she could ever imagine!

We were almost to the I-15 to drive back to St. George and I looked back to see Sydney fast asleep. I think
Bekah wore her out (or maybe it was the other way around).

Next time there is a girl reunion I am definitely going to try and come for a bit longer!
Maylene! I was SO SO SO excited that y'all came to the reunion! Thanks so much for making the trek out to the cabin--I know it was a lot of work for y'all! I was bummed when you guys left--it came and went too quickly. :(
Next time we need to make sure you can stay even longer! You looked amazing by the way--if I look anything like you after I have two kids--I will be one lucky girl! I am so excited to find your blog and keep updated on your life--you are such a great mom & wife! You amaze me! Love ya!
It looks (and sounds like) you guys had a lot of fun. I should have just come...oh well...I'll definitely come to the next one.
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