Tiny Toes.
Saturday, August 25, 2007

When we were in St. George, we went to see the St. George temple. While we were walking around the grounds, someone pointed out these huge planters filled with cotton plants. There are a few fields of cotton in Tolleson...but of course I have never really paid too much attention to them. I thought these plants were kind of cool though. You could practically pick a cotton ball out of each one of the "flowers" once they open up.Here is a close up of the cotton "flower" which is basically a good sized cotton ball sticking out. Maybe I should plant one of these in my backyard so that I can remove nail polish outside without having to go hunt down cotton balls!
Another funny thing we saw while driving around St. George were these short fences (only about 1 1/2 feet high) that bordered many of the roads. They are called turtle fences and they keep the turtles or tortoises off the road. There must be a lot of turtles residing in the area to warrant building these fences everywhere.
I just found this picture online of a desert turtle...when I got out to take a picture of the turtle fences I certainly looked around to see if I could find one...but they must have all been hiding from the hot sun. Oh well, I'm sure most desert turtles look pretty much the same.
Next time there is a girl reunion I am definitely going to try and come for a bit longer!
Read more...There never seems to be enough time or money to go and get my hair cut and colored. I am kind of impulsive as well, so when I do feel like doing something to my hair it is usually last minute and I always have difficulty finding a place to fit me in. However, there are a few occasions that warrant an update and makeover! This weekend I am going to a college reunion to see some old roommates and friends that I lived by at Liberty Square at BYU (before Mark and I got married). Liberty Square was the only place I ever had the opportunity to live off campus before getting married and I have to admit...I had the best times there! All of the girls were so much fun. How I miss those carefree days! Anyway, after being married for over six years and two kids later...I probably look a bit different. (Ha...maybe that's because I don't have hours to SLEEP, workout, do my hair, go shopping for cute clothes, and put make-up on in the morning.) After surveying the results of letting my hair grow out way too long, without any color for over two years, and hair that spends most days (ok everyday) in a ponytail, I decided I needed to go in for some professional help! So after a fortune spent...here are the results. Actually I really like my new cut. The stylist put lots of layers and cute BANGS, but they aren't that difficult to do. She also put some blond highlights and this cinnamon color in. Too bad I didn't take a before picture. I was so excited when I saw what she did. I guess it was worth it after all. Hopefully I look at least my age now or younger!
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