Thursday, February 21, 2008
I was so excited when one of my best friends from college decided to come visit us! Cara was one of my roommates at BYU when I lived at Liberty Square! Since BYU, I obviously moved to Phoenix and Cara has been living in Boston for several years. We usually just chat on Sundays and I'll admit I have been trying to convince her to come visit for a few years now! Sydney hasn't really seen Cara since she was a tiny baby so I was excited when Sydney decided that Cara was her new best friend. She loves Cara! Probably because Cara read her lots of books, took her on bike rides, and played games with her! She was very sad when we dropped Cara off at the airport.Jilynn and I decided to take Cara to one of our favorite Mexican places for lunch but when we pulled in the parking lot, we discovered that they are closed Sundays and we took her to the next best thing! It's this place called Costa Vida which is pretty much the very same as Cafe Rio in Provo.
We asked Sydney to take some pictures of us...and this one turned out alright. We had to scrunch down of course and she had to stand on a chair. Sydney is so funny when she takes pictures. She'll tell people how to pose and when to smile and whether or not she likes our smiles, etc. You can't help but laugh at this little girl bossing us around.
I'll admit I was a little sad when Cara had to leave. It was so much fun hanging out with her, and she was a super big help with the girls. Sometimes it is so nice to have an extra adult around to either entertain Sydney or help with Sophie! I did my very best to convince Cara to move closer!
How fun is that! I'm super jealous...I haven't seen you OR Cara forever!!!! You both look really good in that last picture. It's good that you've stayed in touch!
What a TREAT it was for me to come visit in AZ. I am still saddened over having to leave... but have been working on my job applications for the area :)
Old friends are the best kind of friends! :-)
heya! we got a new email address, so our latest email maybe in your junk folder...we're coming to AZ and want to get together...
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