A new splash park just opened up in Goodyear and since it is now in the triple digits, 104 degrees, I took Sydney to check it out this morning! She absolutely loved it (of course). I tried really hard to take pictures of her because she was so cute. However, she probably didn't stand still for more than five seconds at a time (unless she was standing under the buckets that dump water...but then I didn't want to get that wet with the camera). I'll admit that I also went through a few of the mister sprays to cool off too.

When Mark got home from work today...the first thing Sydney asked him was if she could go back to her splash park this afternoon. Hmmm...I bet we are going to be coming here quite a bit this summer. Sydney is going to take swimming lessons this summer too. I am excited that she can finally go into her class by herself, although I am a little nervous about a teacher trying to keep track of eight kids in the water, plus trying to teach them how to swim. I'm sure I'll be watching by the side just ready to dive in at the first sign of trouble!

After she was all done, she climbed up on this wall to dry off and model her Dora sunglasses.

She is enjoying the sun (with lots of sunblock) and just being silly like usual.

After the splash park we headed to my favorite store...Sprouts to load up on lots of yummy summer fruit. Sprouts had this huge box of cherries and you could just pick out as many as you wanted in your bag. I love this idea because it seems like whenever I buy cherries from other places there are either too many in the pre-picked bags or there are some that look kind of squished. Then we loaded up on apricots, strawberries, watermelon, and apples! And of course I brought home lots of fresh vegetables to eat with dip. Sydney's favorite is brocolli and dill dip. I hope I am making everyone hungry and inspiring everyone to eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables! Actually, I have always thought that if I ever got back into personal training again, I would require my clients to shop only at Sprouts because they would most likely come home with a few healthy items! I love summer fruit and vegetables (if you can't tell)! The other best thing about Sprouts is they have really good yogurt pretzels. Those are definitely one of my favorite treats.
Very cute! I wish we had a water park like that by us. It's not in the triple digits, but it's getting hot! We don't have central air, so I try to spend as much time away from home as possible. Sydney was so cute! Also, Sprouts sounds like a cool place. I wish we had one here! I didn't know you were a personal trainer...did you know that I was one too? How funny. Anyway, I love your blog! How much longer until the baby is due? I think you need to post a pregnant picture of how you look NOW at the very end!
I can't wait to come to Arizona and visit the water park with Sydney,
Grandma McGary
I wish I could come to Arizona and watch Sydney take swimming lessons. I learned to swim when I was Sydney's age.
Grandpa McGary
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