I've seen a few posts like this on friends blogs and they are so fun...so I decided to copy and do my own...My own personal favorite things that make my life so much easier! Plus Mark is in marketing this semester and I admit I find it a teeny bit interesting how marketing affects my life. My first thing is my favorite brand of jeans. I love these jeans. I own several pairs and as long as they continue to sell them, I have no reason to ever try anything else. (I am not a huge fan of shopping for jeans, obviously). So my favorite jeans are Silver Suki jeans. They don't gap in the back like other jeans do and they always fit perfectly in all the right places. Oh and they are a bit stretchy (in case you are eating at Cheesecake Factory or somewhere like that :)!
I love Tide liquid laundry detergent. I especially love the concentrated kind because then you don't have to store huge heavy containers of this stuff. Proctor and Gamble has been around a long time and they have perfected Tide to the point that I believe there are very few stains that could resist this stuff. Plus I love the way my laundry smells after going through the wash.
I am always cooking and trying out new techniques or kitchen tools! These are so useful (in my opinion)! Silicone spatulas with wooden handles can be used to cook or stir just about anything...and here's what I love about them. I can just leave them in the pot or pan on the oven I am using and they won't melt everywhere and the handles don't get hot! Plus they are also good for replacing just the plain old rubber spatulas you need to scrape the bowl. And they are definitely dishwasher safe (as in no more melted spatulas at the bottom of the dishwasher)!
I love cold cereal. Honestly, if I got stuck eating the same thing everyday for the rest of my life...I would probably be ok with cereal. And mostly the only kind of cereal I like is stuff that doesn't have much sugar in it (yes please, roll your eyes). I honestly think I was like this since I was a kid. I remember eating lots of wheaties and cheerios, and once in awhile honey-nut cheerios. My favorite cereal is Wheaties, with or without milk! I love them. I only wish they sold them in bulk at Costco or at least that they would go on sale once in awhile at one of the big grocery chains. Never mind, sometimes I just buy them as a treat for myself!
I generally find reasons to buy bags of these. I love
Dove chocolates. My favorite are the milk chocolate with carmel filling...but to be fair to all the other Dove chocolate varieties, I have never had a Dove chocolate square I didn't like.
When I was about half-way through my pregnancy with Sophie, I discovered one day that every time I wore my contacts, my eyes would get very red and sting. In fact when I tried to put in a brand new pair of contacts, my eyes would hurt and sting so bad that I immedietly had to take them out. I went to the eye doctor and he informed me that I definitely could not wear contacts the rest of my pregnancy and perhaps never again. I was devastated. So I endured many months of glasses...and after Sophie was born I tried again to wear a brand new pair of my old contacts. They again hurt my eyes. So I went back to the eye doctor. He told me that there wasn't a whole lot he could do and that I would have to consider lasik eye surgery or just wear glasses. So then I went to a different eye doctor and he examined my eyes and introduced me to Focus Dailies. I am so grateful for these contacts. They are the best and will work for many more years until I decide to do lasik! Thank goodness, these are around otherwise I don't know how I would get by.
You can laugh at this one...but I am really attached to this calculator, a TI-86. You would be suprised by how much I use it for random stuff. I love math problems and figuring out stuff like that on this calculator. Of course this is a little dated but I learned how to use this calculator long ago in my calculus classes and it has been my best friend ever since. I love all the programs you can put on it (like the quadratic equation and the basic y=mx+b, and all the other equations I love...although, I suppose, I really have no use for them on a daily basis). Anyway, I have never found any reason to upgrade. Unfortunately, right now my calculator and I are on an extended break because I have allowed Mark to borrow it for school (that's how much I love him). However, I check on it once in awhile to make sure it is treated well! I am stuck using just a basic scientific calculator for now. So I have to go without graphing parabolas and hyperbolas!
I know you can't really go out and buy this at a store, but I have to admit one thing I love is fresh cut green grass...even if it sometimes makes me a bit sneezy. I love mowing the lawn and then opening all the windows to let the smell of fresh cut grass drift in. Then if I shut my eyes I can almost picture a beautiful soccer field just ready to run on and kick a ball accross. Here in Phoenix, my grass sometimes requires a lot of work though, so I guess it is a good thing I only have about 1000 square feet of it. During the summer, I deal with Bermuda grass (which is actually a type of weed from Africa). This is the only kind of grass that will stay green and alive during our hot summers. It is also persistent in growing itself underneath the curbing and sprouting up anywhere it can take root. This means that I am constantly pulling it up in the areas it is not supposed to be growing. During the winter I overseed with Rye grass and it takes awhile to come in green and thick. But once it gets growing, I have to mow it usually every 4-5 days! Good thing I like to mow lawn.
I suppose I could keep on going...but this is one of the longest posts I think I have ever done. I have been thinking of things I could add to it over the last several weeks. And really when I read back through it, I don't think this is a very interesting post, but since I already put it all together I'm going to throw it out there.
What a good idea to post about things you love! You have some very interesting things on here. Thanks for sharing!
I think it was a very interesting post, Maylene. I too am a big fan of Silver jeans. I think mine are a different style, but I love them! Those spatulas looks really cool; I'll have to search for them when I am in the market again. I too still use my old graphing calculator from high school, but not for the graphs or hyperbolas; I use it because I can see what numbers I've typed in when I'm doing basic math. I think it is SO much easier than a normal calculator. Someday, we'll have grass. . . it was interesting to read about the types of grass that you have. :)
you have some cool favorite things! contacts always hurt my eyes (even the "softest" kind give me headaches!) i'll have to try the focus dailies--are they rx or can you buy them at target?
So my contacts are RX, but I know you can get trial pairs from any place that sells contacts.
I could eat cereal for three meals a day, easily :) And I also don't like sweet cereals, my faves are Crispix and Raisin Bran.
You are so funny! I love that you put your graphing calculator on there...ha ha! I have no idea where mine even is now! Too cute. Also, I am on facebook and twitter, but blogging is still my favorite! Facebook is fun for re-connecting, and twitter is good for marketing. I joined twitter to market my fitmepink blog. So really, if you write a post about something, you write a short "headline" for the post on twitter, so people can decide if they want to go to your blog to read it. I don't really keep up with it, though...blogging is enough for me!
Freshly cut grass is where it's at, I love the smell. I also love the smell of freshly cut alfalfa. I know it sounds weird, but I guess it's because I grew up on a farm. But seriously, the next time you see them cut the hay on the north side of Lower Buckeye, roll down your car window and take a wiff (so long as the smell of the waste processing plant doesn't over-power it).
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