I absolutely loved this dress when I saw it (and I even got it on sale at Dillard's). Sydney is such a girly girl...which is lots of fun. She loves pretty clothes and putting on make-up (well really this is only some Disney Princess lip gloss) and painting her toe nails.

Here's Sydney and her Daddy after church on Sunday. And no that is not a band-aid on her arm but a sticker from primary. She is such a cute little sunbeam. On the way home from church she always informs us of what Heavenly Father and Jesus made that week on the earth. The sunbeam lessons are along the lines of..."I am thankful for fish, or I am thankful for trees, or I am thankful for fruit, etc." Sydney loves her sunbeam class and informed us that along with all her list of little friends including her cousins and friends from primary and dance and soccer that she wants to invite her teacher Brother Clift to her birthday party. We thought that was pretty funny because even though his wife team teaches with him...she just wanted Brother Clift to come to her party. One night he stopped by our house for something so we asked him how he would feel about attending a princess themed birthday party for 4 year old girls. He just laughed. Apparently he does very good Donald Duck impressions and a few other Disney characters so Sydney thinks he is lots of fun and that is why he is included on her imaginary list of people to invite to her party.

So I finally was brave enough to post a picture of myself with my tummy! I'm sure as soon as I look at this picture in a few months I will be horrified though. One day I was looking at some of the old pictures of when I was pregnant with Sydney and I decided I had definitely looked better, so I deleted most of them. Just remember...the camera tends to add a few pounds (at least that is my excuse!) Sydney of course looks so cute. We had such a fun weekend! She went to a primary activity on Saturday morning and planted a seed in this little baby food container. It was cute how excited she was about her "plant" (although I have serious doubts that it will grow). Right when she got home she informed us that her "plant" needed some sunshine so she put it out on the patio. We made her some lunch but she wouldn't come inside because she insisted that she was waiting for her plant to grow. I told Mark that he will have to stop at a nursery some day after work and buy a flower or something and then I will repot it in her little container. She is very concerned about her tiny container of dirt. I have tried a few times to grow a few flowers or herbs in pots but usually they all die within a few weeks. Obviously my "green thumb" or maybe "brown thumb" for AZ is not working.
Wow Sydney looks so grown up in her new dress. Now, I can imagine Sydney going on her first date.
Maylene! I was so excited to see some updates on your blog...I guess I haven't checked for a while! You look really cute pregnant! Your face and everything look the same...you just have a cute belly! Sydney's adorable. I'm sure she is thrilled that she's going to be a big sister!
Sydney's Mother had a clown show up for her 5th birthday and do magic tricks.
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