Happy Birthday Sophie!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
A year has gone by so fast! Sohpie was just 6 1/2 lbs. when she was born. She was cute as a button! Sydney and Sophie are the best of friends. They love to play by each other and laugh together.
We just had a very small birthday for Sophie. I made from scratch cupcakes and pink frosting. Then we all sang to Sophie and she tried to touch the tiny flame!
Cute, cute, cute!
Hey we still have a duckie from Sydney's first birthday that you could have used for Sophie! We should have celebrated when we were all out there!
Aaw!! She is so cute! Looks like she had a happy 1st b-day!
cute pictures! she really is starting to go from "baby" to "toddler"!
Happy Birthday Sophie!!! She's so cute. And, dude, the frosting is the best part of the cupcake. If I could, I would dig into the frosting first... just like she did!!
She is so adorable even covered in Cake. Happy Birthday Sophie!
I can't believe your little girl is one, wow! What a year!
It's nice to get cute birthday pictures....Jakson's birthdays always include a lot of tears!
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