Tooth Fairy!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
As usual I am catching up on things I wanted to post on my blog. Here is the story about these two tiny teeth pictured below. When Sydney started Kindergarten...a few years ago...many of her friends started to lose a tooth or two. She waited so patiently for one of her own teeth to fall out and was very excited for the expected visit of the tooth fairy. However, Kindergarten passed by and none of her teeth fell out. I was sure that at least one would fall out during her first grade year. Again, first grade came and went and she still had not lost any teeth. She was very sad about all the stories she heard from friends at school and cousins who were losing teeth and having a visit from the busy tooth fairy. I hauled her to the dentist at the beginning of last year to figure out what was going on and the dentist assured me that she would probably lose a tooth last summer. Summer came and went, again no teeth fell out...not even a tiny loose tooth appeared. Imagine my surprise one September day when I peered in Sydney's mouth and there was not one but two tiny permanent teeth poking through, behind her baby teeth. I was horrified. My daughter is not a shark and doesn't need double sets of teeth. I took Sydney back to the dentist and he again reassured me that her baby teeth would loosen up in no time and fall out. By Christmas, the two permanent teeth had come completely in (behind her baby teeth) and although we worked on loosening up her baby teeth and she worked on wiggling them, they refused to budge. So during Christmas break the dentist pulled out both of Sydney's teeth. I guess she doesn't have any cute teeth gap pictures because her permanent teeth moved forward into the space within a few days! This was a picture of her tiny baby teeth the dentist pulled. She is half way through second grade and has finally officially had her first tooth fairy visit! I felt kind of bad that Sydney had to wait so long for the tooth fairy to come. She practically does not believe in the fairy any more. Plus it was a bit dramatic having to get her teeth pulled instead of just losing them like other kids. So...the tooth fairy wrote her a special letter...