Nutcracker 2010
Monday, January 24, 2011
In December, Sydney participated in 6 Christmas shows for dance plus an additional performance of the Nutcracker a few days before Christmas. Sydney had a blast and I was exhausted after the unglamourous job of the behind the scenes mama! I am very good at make-up and hair...specifically sleek buns after all those shows. Oh, and I can do hot rollers in her hair in less than 10 minutes. The Nutcracker was a pretty cool experience for Sydney. She was a Snowflake (and performed during the Snow Fairies' scene) in the Moscow Ballet's Nutcracker in Phoenix. We arrived at the huge theater downtown several hours before the performance and went in the stage entrance. The security guards waved us on by and down the stairs we went to do hair and costumes, pictures and rehearsal. Most of the dancers spoke only Russian but a few spoke a little bit of English, at least enough to communicate about the ballet performance. During the dress rehearsal, a few of the moms snuck in to the front row seats to watch. It was pretty cool to see all the dancers up close, especially since our seats were pretty far up in the balcony. Here's Sydney right before the show was about to start. I left her backstage and went to find my seat. I was so nervous for her once I realized how huge the audience was. There is this part in the middle of the Snow Fairies' scene where the Snowflakes went to the front of the stage (close to the audience) and I didn't want Sydney to get stage fright.