Sophie's Nosie Rosie
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I didn't want to forget a few things that have happened with Sophie that really made/makes us laugh. She is so funny sometimes. A few weeks ago Sophie stuck two perler beads up one of her nostrils. I'm not sure why, but I suppose most kids do stuff like this at some point or another. It took me awhile to figure it out because she kept saying, "Mama, my nosie rosie". That's what we call noses around here. I gave her a tissue but she still seemed quite concerned. Finally I went to fetch the booger picker, sucker thing and was a little horrified to see a tiny perler bead up in her nose. I was able to extract one of them with a toothpick, but after inspecting her nostril with a flashlight, we realized there was still another one way up in her nasal passageway. So off to the urgent care we went to fish out the last little bead. I think we had only been home a few hours and I caught her putting a lite-brite into her nostril. Thankfully, though, we have had no more stuff in the nose incidents!
The other funny, cute thing she says or rather asks almost every night (when we are saying prayers with her) is "Daddy, are you going to have a sleepover with Mama?" Sometimes we let Sophie and Sydney have sleepovers with each other and they love getting to sleep in each other's rooms and sometimes Sophie will just sleep in Sydney's bed with her. So I guess Sophie has observed that Mark and I apparently have "sleepovers" and she is always asking us if we are having one that night! Ha, we still laugh every time she asks us this.